Yip Kai Foon, who is probably the most famous gangster in Hong Kong.
1984, he robbed two jewelry stores and gotten arrested.
He was sentenced for 20 years but escaped on 1989, August 4.
Two years later, which is the year 1991, June, he robbed 5 jewelry stores at Mut Wah Street with an AK-47 and successfully escaped.
One year later, he robbed anther jewelry store and fired 12 rounds with the police and successfully escaped again.
Three days after the last robbery, he robbed two more jewelry stores and fired 60 rounds to the police. He was again escaped.
In 1996, May 13, he was finally arrested and sentenced for 41 years in 1997.
In 2017, April 19, he died from lung cancer in jail.
The second part of the song, which starts from 4:14, has described the robbery that happened at Mut Wah Street.